Scrum and Kanban in the Lean Value Chain

Mattias Skarin works as a Lean and Kanban coach, building systems that enables you to cut time to market and improve quality. He has helped several software teams deliver with confidence, scaled Scrum over multiple teams (cutting game cycle time from 24 months to 4) and improved life at operations using Kanban. He is an Read More …

Mixing Scrum and Kanban in Agile

Yuval Yeret was a guest on the Business901 podcast, Yeret on Agile and Kanban and below is a transcription of the podcast. Yuval is a practicing Agile and Kanban consultant/coach for AgileSparks in Herzelyia, Israel. He coaches individuals and organizations in their path to Agility and Engineering excellence, focusing on Scrum, Lean, and Agile Engineering Read More …

Understand Scrum, Understand PDCA

I had the pleasure interviewing James O. Coplein, author of the Lean Architecture: for Agile Software Development for an upcoming Business901 podcast. I seem to learn so much from the software community and had picked up Jim’s book to help provide a framework for parts of the Lean Marketing House (Marketing with Lean). I was Read More …

Discussion of Agile, Kanban, Scrum with Landes – eBook

On the Business901 Podcast I had the pleasure interviewing Eric Landes. Eric is an Agile  Project Manager who has been using Kanban for software development since 2007. He has worked with Scrum, XP and other agile methods for over the past 5 years, and has been managing software projects for over 10 years. Eric has Read More …

Scrum and Kanban equals Agile

On the Business901 Podcast I had the pleasure this week interviewing Eric Landes. Eric is an Agile Project Manager who has been using Kanban for software development since 2007. He has worked with Scrum, XP and other agile methods for over the past 5 years, and has been managing software projects for over 10 years. Read More …