Traversing the Funnel of Opportunity

When traversing through the Funnel of Opportunity (The picture on the left, download PDF of the diagram: I use the outline below to help people describe their process when moving through the FoO: Empower-Engage-Explore.  Handoffs are so important in customer-facing positions that I find it an integral part of any business development areas. It slows Read More …

Marketing Experiment: Marketing Your Value Stream

Time and time again, I see companies being held back with an internal perspective of managing a Value Stream. A key point of Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s philosophy was that organizations should be managed as systems of interconnected and interdependent processes. Deming’s flow diagram exemplifies his thinking. However, even in the most common definition of Read More …

Gojko Adzic on All Things Agile

This is a compilation of the entire interview with Gojko Adzic. Adzic specializes in agile and lean quality improvement, in particular, impact mapping, agile testing, specification by example and behavior driven development. He is a frequent keynote speaker at leading software development conferences and one of the authors of MindMup and Claudia.js. Gojko won the 2016 Read More …

Value Proposition in Service Design

Cindy Barnes co-authored the book, Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition: Managing Customer Experience for Profit: It provides guidance for business leaders – demonstrating why having a strong value proposition is so important for a company. This practical title shows readers how to build, deliver and harness value propositions to create profitable growth for a Read More …

Why a Value Proposition

Cindy Barnes is a business innovator and strategist. She founded Futurecurve after many years with Capgemini where she led service development, sales, marketing, co-created new business units and was a client-side consultant. Follow Cindy on Twitter: @cindy_barnes Cindy co-authored the book, Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition: Managing Customer Experience for Profit: It provides guidance Read More …

Locking Customers into the Loyalty Loop

In a not so recent article (Nov/2015) on the Harvard Business Review, Competing on Customer Journeys by David C. Edelman and Marc Singer discusses the new shaping of the customer journey. Their description of the journey is shaped in a strikingly similar structure that remind many of us as a type of (not so) casual loop or a system archetype. Read More …