Create A Winning Marketing Strategy With Insightful User Experiences

Creating a successful marketing strategy is a complex but rewarding process. To ensure it is engaging and effective, it requires an understanding of your target audience’s user experiences and processes. By engaging with your users, you can create a marketing strategy that will drive better results. This article will explore the components of a winning Read More …

Utilizing Laddering in Your Customer Discovery Interviews

The first step in the laddering process is identifying your product’s or service’s primary benefit or values. Ask probing questions such as “why would you choose this product or service?” and “why is this important?” to understand the customer’s motivations. Once you have identified the primary benefit or value, create a category ladder to identify Read More …

Differentiating Your Value Proposition

A differentiated value proposition is key to a successful marketing strategy. It is the one thing you do better than your competitors that your customers value. Differentiation is what makes your product or service stand out from the competition. A key marketing principle should be heavily considered when developing a marketing strategy. A value proposition is Read More …

How to Craft a Strategy Activation Program

Are you looking for a new way to bring your strategic plans to life? Do you want to make sure your strategy is implemented in the most effective way possible? Crafting an effective strategy activation program can help you do just that. Strategy activation is the art and science of persuading people to align around, engage Read More …

Using Edge Thinking To Drive Business Growth

Edge thinking provides a unique opportunity for businesses to uncover new opportunities that may have been left undiscovered through traditional thought processes. It helps businesses focus on the cutting edge of their respective industries and allows them to expand their reach and tap into new markets more quickly. Edge thinking is an important element of Read More …

Unlock Customer Dilemmas and Unlock Sales Opportunities

Sales success today requires a deep understanding of a customer’s business and dilemmas. Understanding how to identify, analyze and unlock the sales opportunities that arise from customer dilemmas is important. In this article, we will explore how to identify customer dilemmas, analyze their impact and unlock sales opportunities to help customers become more efficient and Read More …