Description of Check Act Plan Do Model

CAPD Introduction: The Deming Cycle or The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model is a proven framework for implementing continuous quality improvement. These four steps provide the framework for continuous improvement. The PDCA cycle basically starts with a plan and ends with an action in accordance with the information learned during the process. Starting with Check is not Read More …

Power of Check The Pivot in PDCA

Lean Startup guru Eric Ries recommends that start-ups refine their business models through small adjustments or pivots. Pivots are an important part of creating what Eric calls the Lean Start-up where you create a basic product/service with just enough features to be tested by customers. Eric encourages the founders to get out of the office Read More …

Considering Lean, Check out this Lean Journey

Jim Lewis was the guest on the Business901 Podcast and the last half of the podcast was a Lean Transformation in itself. It is one of the best 15 minutes that I have hosted (the 1st half is not that bad). Our discussion centered on how to begin with Lean and the development of a Read More …