Should You be Upgrading Your Training Skills to Games?

Joe:  Now, many of my listeners and myself have been running simulations and board games as trainers for a long time. Do we need to be upgrading our skills? I mean, have you converted any of these old simulations, let’s say, to present-day gamification methods? Karl:  Yeah, two things about that. One, gamification doesn’t always Read More …

Games are invading the real world

Games are invading the real world — and the runaway popularity of Farmville and Guitar Hero is just the beginning, says Jesse Schell. At the DICE Summit, he makes a startling prediction: a future where 1-ups and experience points break “out of the box” and into every part of our daily lives. PS3 Games – Read More …

Games may be your only chance to attract the best and brightest talent

Games have changed the way we play and the way we work. In the  blog post’s Chief Scientist on Why Gamification is the Future of Work, it says, Rangaswami outlines how and why gamification will shape the future of work. As a new generation of knowledge workers land in jobs at organizations big and Read More …