A3 Problem Solving for Marketing

This video is an overview of why you should consider using A3 Problem Solving for Marketing and a plug for my new book, Marketing with A3. I should have emphasized it more in the video but using A3 for your marketing tactics is an excellent way to help in your decision making process but also for documenting the tactics.

I mention 2 books in the video and wanted to add a third for reference material:
The A3 Workbook: Unlock Your Problem-Solving Mind
Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System
Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process

Related Information:
Website: http://MarketingwithA3.com
Capture Knowledge using the A3 Lean Thinking Process
Lean Thinking A3 Sales Call Sheet
Marketing with A3s
Nuts and Bolts of A3 Thinking eBook