The Different Levels of Perspective in Sales Engagements

Using The Systematic Process of The Different Levels of Perspective in Sales Engagements All five levels are even important to address in most selling situations. Of course, sales live in an event—orientated world, and most of our efforts will be directed in that area. The highest leverage action we can take is determined by the Read More …


Many companies and industries world-wide are using Lean with dramatic results. With such outstanding results, Lean is being used across the entire spectrum, hence the Lean Enterprise. However, one important part has been left alone, arguably the most important, sales and marketing. Why hasn’t Lean or any other continuous improvement methodology been brought to sales Read More …

Lean Engagement Team

Sales and marketing can no longer operate in a vacuum. It has become a process output that intertwines across many of the departments within the organization. As companies have become flat, their decision making is increasingly being done by committee. As a supplier, you must mimic your customer decision-making path and as a result your Read More …

Marketing with PDCA

Marketing with PDCA is about managing a value stream using PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Using the new SALES PDCA Framework throughout the marketing cycle will provide constant feedback from customers, and can only occur if they are part of the process. It is about creating value in your marketing that a customer needs to enable him to Read More …

A Visual Representation of the Relationship between Customers, Concepts, and Ideas

A sales inquiry conceptual map can help you understand the relationships between different concepts and identify the key ideas you need to focus on. To create a conceptual map, start by brainstorming a list of key concepts related to sales inquiry and then link them together with precise phrases. This visual represents the relationships between Read More …