Need a Landing Page, Autoresponder, and Yesterday’s Thinking

Digital Marketing has made it so easy and automated. We have all been here. We start out creating a landing page, give away something of “value” and dump the contact into an 8-piece auto-responder over the next 15 to 30 days and then transition them to our regular email base to keep in touch. We Read More …

Choose a Single Word to Describe Your Marketing

If you had to choose a single word to describe the dominant thinking in your marketing, what would it be? Showing, Telling, Learning, Collaborating, Empowering or… A very simple suggestion and very telling. If you review your marketing collateral can sort and organize them in a storyboard fashion. Then put them in columns and put a Read More …

The 5 Cs of Adjacency

The 5 Cs of Adjacency In the Funnel of Opportunity ( I discuss working from the known to the unknown. After “really” understanding our Core Customers…Clusters…Markets we can then start finding Adjacent Prospects…Clusters…Markets. When looking at Adjacent structures: 1. Connect: What people are the most accessible and similar to the core? 2. Concepts: What key jobs Read More …

Growing The Funnel of Opportunity

We construct Sales and Marketing Funnels and other tools thinking that we can create a customer/opportunity from it. This is not wrong. Just by the actual application of some type of process, we are going to focus and become more effective and maybe even more efficient. The problem is that all these funnels use the Read More …

How Well Do You Know Your Customers?

Many people disregard my customer research approach. People believe they know their customer base well enough and they might. However, in my experience that is seldom the case. I have taken over subscription services that were not emailing their customers. I have worked with clients that have email databases in excess of 100,000 that were Read More …