Why I Quit Using PDCA

In the Sales and Marketing arena, we are exploring new propositions and environments as the main thrusts of our activity. I have found PDCA to be limiting and somewhat challenging to take people on the path of exploration. I was introduced to EDCA (E=Explore) it seems like a decade ago by Graham Hill but it never really Read More …

The Problem with Lean, Is the Problem

Can Lean be used for more than Problem-Solving? When we think of Lean whether as a toolset or as a culture, our immediate thought is steered towards problem-solving, the Kaizen Spirit. It is truly the definitive aspect of Lean. It is so prevalent that most outsiders to Lean are convinced that Lean is not applicable Read More …

3Cs of Lean Cycles: SDCA, PDCA & EDCA

I think about Lean in three distinctively different ways: Tools: Documentation, problem-solving, development, design Structure: Creating a workflow to traverse between one to the other in a natural progression. Behavior: The way we practice to achieve specific outcomes in an efficient manner. By doing this, it allows me to move from micro to macro thinking Read More …

How do you put Lean Thinking into use?

When I am working, I naturally migrate from different stages of thinking through the Lean Cycles of CAP-Do, SDCA, PDCA, EDCA. I use all of them at a micro and macro level but often in very different ways. Reading the book Making Thinking Visible (Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/2wXnL0Q) helped me collect my thoughts on this subject. Read More …

Applying Deliberate Practice to the Cycles of Lean

In recent discussions, we have kept Lean in its simplest form the last week with breaking it down to the 4 Cycles, CAP-Do, EDCA, PDCA, EDCA . We provided scope and assembled a team using the SALES acronym: https://business901.com/blog1/lets-make-lean-simple-again/. We used the Leval of Perspectives to understand the highest leverage of action we can take: https://business901.com/blog1/positioning-lean-for-success/. However, none Read More …

Improvement Kata in 10 Minutes

Bill Costantino’s classic explanation of the Improvement Kata, originally posted as a SlideCast on November 25, 2011. Awesome! This video can be used to provide some Improvement Kata / Coaching Kata background content for ‘pre-review’ online, prior to classroom or practice activities. From the YouTube description: This video can be used to provide some Improvement Kata Read More …