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As CEO of Square, Jack Dorsey sees himself as a “Chief Editor,” charged with addressing the flood of inputs and ideas that come into the company. In this capacity, Dorsey focuses on three major areas: 1) Team Dynamics, 2) Internal and External Communication, and 3) Financial Management. Dorsey also shares his belief that you can be successful if you make every detail perfect, and limit the number of details.

Henry Chesbrough is best known as the “father of open innovation” according to Wikipedia. He authored the book Open Innovation back in 2003, before that term came into general use. Today, there are more than 13 million entries for “open innovation”, documenting the rapid rise of this new model of industrial innovation. Open Services Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era is his latest book, which extends the idea of open innovation into the services sector.

What to do Monday Morning.

Elevate the importance you place on services

Enhance the utility of your offering to your customers.

Search for underutilized assets in your organization

Create a platform that intertwines your product and your service. Invite others to participate.

Your First Service Design Project, Experiment: Do it within the confines of your organization with your own internal Customers (Practice).

If you are ready to move to the next stage, I would recommend the Lean Service Design Workshop.