Supporting Material

I have created this section as a place to offer continuing subject matter that support the ideas within this program structure. If you would like more information on a certain subject, please contact me at

Tools – you will be re-directed to another site

Service Design Tools: Practically a visual encyclopedia of service design tools.

Quick Map: Online tool to draw an online process or value stream map.

Stanford Crash Course (Design Thinking Exercise): This is great exercise for your first design session.

Value Networks and the true nature of collaboration: Verna Allee’s online book on Value Networks.

Design Facilitators Website: Outstanding Collection of Method Cards and other resources.

John Hagel, co-author of The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion delivered this keynote. It is over an hour long but John is engaging speaker. The keynote discusses why all institutions face the challenge of a fundamental shift from a push world to a pull world. While we have a growing body of design expertise in addressing the first two levels of pull (search and serendipity), we are just beginning to understand the opportunities for designing the third level of pull — helping people to achieve their potential by learning faster through working together.

This presentation will offer some early perspective on the opportunities and challenges of experience design writ large: designing experiences that bridge the physical and virtual and extend well beyond the boundaries of individual institutions to help connect people more effectively in environments that accelerate on the job performance improvement.

Service Design Thinking from Marc Stickdorn