Collaborate with Outside Organizations to Boost Your Sales Efforts

Beth Comstock, CMO at General Electric, urges all businesses to partner with organizations to experiment, test, and develop opportunities. She says everyone has a different form of creativity and perspective, and now is the time to create a space for collaboration, especially because it does not have to cost much time and money. For more visit, Read More …

Is Agile Project Management the Same Outside of Software?

I asked Evan Leybourn this question. Evan pioneered the field of Agile Business Management; applying the successful concepts and practices from the Lean and Agile movements to corporate management. He keeps busy as a senior IT executive, business management consultant, non-executive director, conference speaker, internationally published author and father. Evan Leybourn: That’s a surprisingly hard question to answer. Read More …

PDCA from the Outside-in

What do you find when looking from the outside in? Who are those people outside of your four walls? Customers! So how do you include customers in your Lean Sales and Marketing Cycles? By my definition your Lean Sales and Marketing Cycle mirrors your customer decision making process. When you are involved in a customer/prospect Read More …

Taking the Lean Enterprise Outside the 4 Walls

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. As a result of discussing Read More …

Outside the Walls of a Lean Enterprise

As Dr. Balle said, “Toyota didn’t become number one by having lower manufacturing costs, they became number one by making cars people bought.” Dr. Michael Ballé is a business researcher and consultant and has studied lean transformation for the past 15 years. He is Associate Researcher at Télécom ParisTech and the co-founder of the French Read More …

Customer Value – Developing an Outside In Strategy

This is a transcription of the Business901 podcast, Outside in Strategy– Customer Value with Christine Moorman. She is the co-author of the book (Amazon Link) Strategy from the Outside In: Profiting from Customer Value. Outside in Strategy– Customer Value ebook – Excerpt from the transcription: The other point is the fact that we try to Read More …