Difference Between Hacking and Experimentation

Many of us will make a business case for our next marketing campaign (experiment), but few will take the time to create a prediction. A prediction enables us to identify the one or two things that really matter while providing both constraints and flexibility. In scientific terms, we call it a hypothesis. The dictionary definition of Read More …

Knowledge And The Funnel of Opportunity

The Funnel of Opportunity is my interpretation of successful marketing practices today. It is an idea about understanding spaces and eventually shaping them through a knowledge building process. Clusters and their edges attach as knowledge and experiences become relevant. This relevancy can be acquired through people, platforms, process or product/service. LinkedIn Articles Knowledge Vee: https://lnkd.in/eduEU9w Read More …

Lean Scale Up eBook

I think Lean is the best way to scale a company. Not only does it gives us that inside and outside learning perspectives, but it also helps us manage three Lean learning concepts; SDCA, PDCA, and EDCA. It allows us to dedicate a portion of our work to what we are doing well (SDCA=Standard Work), Read More …

3-Step Process of Why Things Happen as They Do

The steps of the scientific method can be summarized like this, Observation, Explanation and Testing. This method is the basis for just about every problem-solving method. We might call it the Granddaddy of research experimentation. I think it is worth a review more often than we actually do. The basic logic behind the method, I believe will help you Read More …