
10 Sample A3s by 5 contributors

I was honored to have these 5 people contribute A3s for the eBook, Marketing with A3. I had several of my own efforts but felt that I could not offer the variety needed. These contributions are real life examples (names and some data has been changed) that captures the essence of an A3; a small story along the path of continuous improvement. 

People that took the time to share:

Dr. Eric Reidenbach is the Director of the Six Sigma Marketing Institute, a leading organization and authority of Six Sigma Marketing. Dr. Reidenbach has developed a number of unique approaches for measuring and managing value, the best leading indicator of market share growth. Dr. Reidenbach is the author of over 20 books on marketing and market research. Website: email:

Mark Greenhouse is based in York (UK) and holds a Masters in Manufacturing Engineering and Management, as well as Marketing qualifications. His business, ResQ was developed in 2005 to take Lean Thinking outside of production functions and has worked with large blue chip organizations and smaller owner manager business across the UK on continuous improvement. Mark is a visiting lecturer on the Executive MBA at Nottingham University Business School and is also published in the Law Business Review.
Website: email:

Daniel Matthews is an expert trainer with 30 years of training experience including Lean implementation and Training within Industry (TWI). He has spent fourteen of those years with the Toyota Company where he created and made use of the A3 as a core component of continuous quality improvement. Dan is the author of The A3 Workbook: Unlock Your Problem-Solving Mind and presently employed at the Kentucky Manufacturing Assistance Center.  email:

Derek Browning is a Lean Deployment Executive within LeanCor’s Deployment Team. This area of LeanCor executes the lean six sigma training and consulting operations. Team members create customized and effective lean six sigma/logistics and supply chain training programs for all LeanCor customers and coach LeanCor clients through their lean deployment initiatives. email:

Tracey Richardson is a trainer, consultant and principal of Teaching Lean Inc. She has 22 years of Lean experience and worked at Toyota Motor Manufacturing KY as a team member, team leader and group leader in the Plastics Department from 1988-1998. She has over 460 hours training in Toyota Methodologies and Philosophy and currently is a trainer for Toyota, their affiliates in North America, and other companies upon request. Website: email: