A3 Learning Implement

A Lesson in Problem Solving: Go back to school for a second, maybe even as far back as grade school, and think about solving mathematical word problems. Remember with word problems, each problem described a situation that involved numerical relationships. However, the situation and those relationships first had to be interpreted and understood. Then it Read More …

Design Explore

The tools are always an important element of any process and Lean Product Development is not lacking in offering its share. Out of what may seem like 100 different tools, I think the most prevalent can be broken down to the following (I have excluded your traditional project management tools): Gemba Walks Mapping (Which we Read More …

EDCA Explore

The Define Phase is well documented in the Plan of PDCA, Define of DMAIC, Discovery of Appreciative Inquiry or even the Dream of Disney. In the Explore stage of EDCA what makes this phase different? Paraphrased from Nigel Cross’s book, Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design: Designers tend to use conjectures about solution concepts Read More …

LSD Design Close

I introduced the Business Model Canvas and had asked you to complete it based on a service product that you knew well. Hopefully, you had done that and that you left it on your wall or at least visible during the program. You may want to go back and review that section but to proceed Read More …

LSD Design Explore

The Define Phase is well documented in the Plan of PDCA, Define of DMAIC, Discovery of Appreciative Inquiry or even the Dream of Disney. In the Explore stage of EDCA what makes the Define phase different? Paraphrased from Nigel Cross’s book, Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design: Designers tend to use conjectures about solution Read More …

VSM EDCA Explore

The Define Phase is well documented in the Plan of PDCA, Define of DMAIC, Discovery of Appreciative Inquiry or even the Dream of Disney. In the Explore stage of EDCA what makes this phase different? Paraphrased from Nigel Cross’s book, Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design: Designers tend to use conjectures about solution concepts Read More …