
The Kaizen section was designed purposely to be an easy week, a week of reflection, Hansei. Many of us get in a hurry with Lean trying to think it is this groundbreaking and another silver bullet. We forget that Toyota started working with Deming in the 1950s and progressed through a series of changes to Read More …


Leader standard work is a concept in Lean Management, popularized by David Mann in his book “Creating a Lean Culture”, that creates standard work for managers. For many in the Agile community, the notion of “standard work” brings a repellent idea of standardization and work standards, and the oppressive boot-jack command culture that comes with Read More …


The previous lessons of SDCA and PDCA has prepared us for this module of EDCA or Design. I like to use the term EDCA learned from Graham Hill to designate the Explore aspect of Lean. I view it as more of Design Type thinking content that allows for that collaborative learning cycle with a customer. Read More …

Create Flow

The Lean definition of flow goes something like this, the accomplishment of steps within a value stream so that a product or service proceeds from the beginning of the value stream to the customer without waste. Most Lean transformations first step is thinking and improving flow. They start many times with 5S (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Read More …

Map the Value Stream

  When people hear the term “Map the Value Stream,” their thoughts often go to the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Process. Value Stream Mapping as depicted in “Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate MUDA is the accepted method throughout the United States. It is primarily oriented toward manufacturing. In recent Read More …

Identify Value

Lean is based on the creation of perfect value for the customer. It is said to be Lean’s core objective. As Sales and Marketing professional, you may think Lean has a limiting viewpoint of value. However, Lean has become successful for its ability to deliver recognizable value to the stakeholders. I addressed several of these Read More …