A couple of thoughts on online advertising!

Business901 has been running an ad in the Business Daily E-mail distributed by KPC News. I felt that it needed some improvement and ask the staff at KPC News to help. Matt Swanson, the online director at KPC News responded with what I thought was a great tutorial for online advertising. Not being shy, I also tossed it out to the Duct Tape Marketing Coaches, the result of the conversations is to the right with the ad toggling between the two copies.

Here is what Matt had to say:

Online ads can be a tought beast to tackle. They really serve two purposes:
1) Branding extension
2) traffic driver

To be effective any ad has to be eye catching. There has to be a strong visual componant that attrracts the eye and compelling content that keeps the attention focused on the ad. Online, the ad can utilize motion/animation to attract the eye (we can’t yet handle video or sound in e-mail ads at this time – and until such time as the file size of those ads decreases, it’s really not a realistic option). Otherwise, a strong/compelling visual must be used.

The other thing that online ads need, is a call to action. This is typically done through a clear benefit statement. You don’t have to say the words “click here”, simply infer it, but the ad must provide a reason for clicking.
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Online ads aren’t always as large as their print counterparts. That means space is at a premium. I typically do not advise including elements such as web addresses, phone numbers, and street addresses in online ads unless it is part of your overall brand identity (1800flowers.com is an example). Usually this information is simply included out of habit from advertising on other mediums.
1) This information is already on your web page, which is where you are trying to get the person to go to anyway.
2) Web address, you are trying to get them to go to the site by clicking on the ad – why include it on the ad
3) Phone #, street address: This is an online viewer, if they are going to follow the link, it is because they are looking for information about you online, now. Not later, in an offline medium.

If you have this information on your site, this simply becomes redundant.
Thanks Matt for the input and help.