Can you tell your business story in seven slides or less?

This weekend, I was attempting to get lean and mean with my Duct Tape Marketing Story and pulled out a book of mine called “The Seven Slide Solution” by Paul Kelly. I had used this book to put together several presentations and had not re-visited it recently, MY MISTAKE. It is a practical approach to building presentations around how people think about information. The following day, I received information about applying to give a presentation to the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce as part of their Slingshot presentation. The application is actually a slideshow based on very similar principles. You talk about Karma!

My point to all of this is that you should review the Slingshot presentation and see if you get your company story on 7 slides. If not, maybe you should buy the book. A basic principle of Duct Tape Marketing is telling your story in a compelling manner. But if it takes too long, how many people will listen?

I am finishing my 7-step slide show for you to review. It is amazing how tough it is to get your story on 7 slides. Too much BS, (Basic Information).