Do you define a start date on projects?

Define the Work: Project Start Date(Part 2 of 2)

One of the characteristics of a project is that there is a definite start and end date. This seems simple enough until you start to try to define exactly what these dates mean. There are no universally recommended standards for either date. In many respects, it depends on each organization and whether there are any implications for choosing one alternative over another. Here are some of the options for identifying the project start date.

  • The idea is generated. This takes the start date back a long way before the project is actually formalized and on the surface may not make sense. However, remember that the definition you choose can depend on what the implication is. You may choose this definition if your company is trying to focus on the time it takes between when an idea is generated until the idea is fulfilled though a project. The concern may be that there is too much time to implement good ideas. If your company wants to minimize this total time span between idea and fulfillment, you might go with an early project start date definition like this.
  • A budget is approved. This definition is a little more concrete than the prior idea. In this definition, an idea has been generated and the idea has made it far enough that a cost/benefit statement has been prepared. The project has also made it through the prioritization process and an actual budget has been approved. Keep in mind that the budget may have been approved during the prior year business planning process. The actual work may not start until the following year. Therefore, this definition again starts the clock early.
  • A project manager is assigned. This one is more common. It may be hard to say that a project has started before a project manager is assigned. When the project manager is assigned, the project planning and definition begins and the meat of the project starts.
  • The project definition is approved by the customer. In some organizations the project officially starts when the customer approves the Project Definition document. Some companies require an approved Project Definition and workplan before the project team can be allocated. They do this to ensure that the upfront agreement is in place before project work begins.
  • The project kickoff meeting is held. Using this definition, the planning and definition work is considered to be “pre-project” work. All projects start with a formal kickoff meeting with the client and project team. When the kickoff meeting is held, the planning is completed, the client has approved starting the work and the project team has been allocated. The kickoff meeting is the time to tell everyone that the project is ready to begin.

Material used with permission from Ten Step Project Management