Using The Lean Strategy for the Lean People Development Summit

The Lean House or the House of Lean has been used for many years to symbolize the basic Lean principles. It is so commonplace that I am not even sure of the origin. What is unique about The Lean Strategy: Using Lean to Create Competitive Advantage, Unleash Innovation, and Deliver Sustainable Growth is the depiction Read More …

Using the 5 Questions of The Lean Strategy

My Amazon review of The Lean Strategy: Using Lean to Create Competitive Advantage, Unleash Innovation, and Deliver Sustainable Growth: This may be the most powerful book I have read on Lean in the last 10 years. What the authors have done is transferred the knowledge of primarily Toyota to everyday organizational challenges outside of the automotive Read More …

Leadership in a Lean Turnaround

Art Byrne will deliver Tuesday, September 12th Keynote Presentation at the Lean People Development Summit hosted by Lean Frontiers in Savannah, GA The Lean People Development Summit draws professionals from HR, continuous improvement, and leadership to explore how best to design job roles aimed at improvement, build problem solving skills, define process improvement competencies, and develop Read More …

Need a Agile, Lean Mindset – Hire a Vet (Video)

Engaging With Veteran Talent is a powerful reference for employers seeking to source, hire, onboard and develop Veteran talent. By the year 2023, estimates indicate that 3.5 million Veterans will be active in the civilian workforce. Savvy employers are planning the programs to attract and capture the contributions of this valuable employee base. Lida Citroen is Read More …

Can you attend Lean Leadership Week?

Lean Leadership Week starts with the 2-day Lean People Development Summit and ends with the 2-day Lean Accounting & Management Summit. Between the 2 events is a unique offering of workshops applicable to both sets of attendees. Join executives and their teams from around the globe and explore best practices as it relates to developing Read More …

Is it the Same Game: Employee vs Customer Big Data

Recently, I have been working on a research and marketing project for an upcoming summit, Lean People Development. It was formally known as Lean HR. As a result, I have been brushing the dust off a few of my exploits into Talent Acquisition, Training, Onboarding and other HR practices. It is quite amazing the areas Read More …