14 Steps of Organization Design

Episode 3: 14 Steps of Organization Design John Latham of Systems Thinking About: John Latham combines experience and research to create flexible frameworks that facilitate the process of reimagining, redesigning, and transforming organizations. Some of the frameworks such as the Design Framework for Organization Architects™ emerged from practice and later tested and refined. Others emerged from research and further Read More …

The Concept of Tension in the Organization

Episode 2: The Concept of Tension in the Organization John Latham of Systems Thinking About: John Latham combines experience and research to create flexible frameworks that facilitate the process of reimagining, redesigning, and transforming organizations. Some of the frameworks such as the Design Framework for Organization Architects™ emerged from practice and later tested and refined. Others emerged from research Read More …

The Need for Tension In Your Organization

I was first introduced to creative tension in Senge’s work in ‘The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization,’ and later was able to have a podcast with Robert Fritz who Senge had attributed the work. However, Fritz called it structural tension and explained it in detail in the book, Path of Read More …

Optimize Your Organization for Learning

I ran across this tweet from Marshall Kirkpatrick @marshallk, CEO @GetLittleBirdWhat” “What if networked, faster learning was what big organizations were optimized for? (instead of efficiency)” He had linked in this YouTube Video to the Tweet: John Hagel’s speech at the 5th Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna. John Hagel III has nearly 30 years Read More …

Does Kata help in Spreading Knowledge in an Organization?

I skipped a podcast session this week because of the holidays. However, I will be back next week with Shingo Prize winning author, Conrad Soltero. Conrad won the Shingo Prize as the principal author of The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training. It was published in 2012 by Productivity Press. An excerpt from Read More …

How to Radically Transform Your Organization

This is a Part 3 of 3 blog posts on a series of books that Deloitte has sponsored that I think is outstanding. They are a follow-up to the book, The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, This book has been one of my staples in the Read More …