Are We to Outcome-Based in Our Thinking?

How much does luck play into it? Your thoughts on LinkedIn: One of the things that I think Kata-type thinking promotes is the ability to make small bets (PDCA) along the journey towards the target condition. I use this in my sales and marketing approach as I believe marketing is little more than an Read More …

Lean is Simple Card Deck

A month ago I wrote an article and posted a few cards that received a favorable response. I considered creating an App but instead decided just to post it on Slideshare so everyone could use an existing app that will be updated. I will also update these cards occasionally. Download a mobile 15 piece Lean Read More …

Are You Hiring Learners? 

I think about Lean as a knowledge creation model. PDCA provides feedback to justify our hypotheses and increase our knowledge. The rate of change or the speed of the improvement is a key competitive factor in today’s world. PDCA allows for major jumps in performance not through massive breakthroughs but through frequent small improvements. However, Read More …

How do you put Lean Thinking into use?

When I am working, I naturally migrate from different stages of thinking through the Lean Cycles of CAP-Do, SDCA, PDCA, EDCA. I use all of them at a micro and macro level but often in very different ways. Reading the book Making Thinking Visible (Amazon Link: helped me collect my thoughts on this subject. Read More …