Outlining the Value Model Mapping Process

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube In the Business901 podcast, Linda Richardson discussed her new book, Changing the Sales Conversation: Connect, Collaborate, and Close. She touched upon one area that intrigued me a great deal, the Value Model. In the value mode, she discusses the importance of understanding and planning to address the Read More …

Outcome Realization is a Continuous Process

The outcome is really not at the end of the target. . It’s some place like in the middle because this should sustain until the end of its life cycle. -jd Evan Leybourn:  You’re absolutely correct. The idea of an outcome is we should be able to incrementally achieve value towards that outcome. It doesn’t Read More …

Starting A Process of Improvement

In last weeks podcast I asked Troy Tuttle a question on how does someone get started with process improvement and he responded: Troy Tuttle: Yeah, that’s a good question. I’m going to give you kind of my Anderson’s Kanban or the David Anderson’s version of Kanban answer where really the context of that, of wherever Read More …

Creating Process Excellence in Government

 When we talk about Lean and Six Sigma, it takes a certain amount of expertise to implement it. How do you visualize taking Lean and/or Six Sigma through the government? I mean, it’s in pockets right now, but do you just grow from them pockets? Or how do you visualize that getting expanded in government? Read More …

Losing 1M a Day, Improve Your Process

Joe: I don’t think a lot of people realize the trouble that Caterpillar was in the early 1980s. I would think that time period is correct. They were losing a million dollars a day or something? Craig Bouchard: A million dollars a day for three years and in that third year which was 1984 where Read More …

Help! Do You Know Anything about the 4P Process?

I have been doing some project work in Scorecarding and Dashboarding lately and ran across the term the 4P Cycle in Gupta’s book, Six Sigma Business Scorecard. The 4P Cycle consist of Prepare represents ensuring good inputs to the process, The inputs consist of Ishikawa’s 4Ms (material, machines, methods, and manpower or people). The objective Read More …