Achieving Breakthrough Success

Since the age of 12, Dr. O’Grady has been interested in entrepreneurial activities. Besides hard work, he credits his success to constant independent learning and states that he learns from each person he meets. His new book, The Mechanics for Breakthrough Success: The Guide to a Life You Never Considered Reachable is a compilation of what has Read More …

Success: Constant Independent Learning

For 35 years, Dr. O’Grady has been studying and winning in the game of breakthrough success. These insights as well as the underlying pieces to motivate and carry you through are contained inside. – from the Amazon book description of Dr. Thomas O’Grady’s new book, The Mechanics for Breakthrough Success: The Guide to a Life Read More …

Measuring Sales on Long-Term Success?

Anne Janzer is the author of Subscription Marketing: Strategies for Nurturing Customers in a World of Churn, which she wrote to help marketers managing the disruptions of the subscription economy. Excerpt from next week’s Business901 Podcast: Joe Dager:  We all know it’s easier to maintain a customer than trying to obtain a new one. In Read More …

Intangibles Create Our Success

Part of The Lean Minute Collection on YouTube We need to understand the underlying forces of these relationships and what is critical for this activity. The conversation we must have, the value that must be delivered. Our models need to include the intangibles or informal exchanges that really build relationships. CAP-Do (More Info): What makes Read More …

The Intangibles Will Create Your Success

Are you delivering knowledge to your customer in each and every step of the sales process? Do you have SMART Goals outlined to follow and assist your customer in making the decision he invited you to assist with? When we model the sales activity, we get into very specific kinds of interactions that are critical Read More …

30% Time Wasted Looking for Data, 50% Success Rate Finding It

A fact that Kim Robertson , the author of over 100 discipline specific training packages, 3 fiction books and articles for CM Trends and various other trade publications from industrial arts to Configuration Management, stated in a recent podcast. His latest collaboration Configuration Management: Theory, Practice, and Application is Excerpt from the Podcast: Joe:   One Read More …