Vision is More Than a Forecast

People talk about vision all the time. It is often misunderstood and taken out of context. They think it is for annual planning and boardroom activities. They think of vision as some lofty goal that could be characterized by statements like this: Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. – Jonathan Read More …

Share a Vision, Create a Sale

Think of all the things we need to deal with in sales: Present and future priorities Problems and Needs Gains and Opportunities Relationships and Influencers Technical Opinions People and Resources Money and Budget allocations Upcoming Schedules This list is just the tip of the iceberg, and all these are continuously changing. Salespeople have to be Read More …

A Case for 2 Vision Statements

When you read most vision statements, at best, they provide lip service to the customer. I have a tendency to agree, your vision statement should be about you. In a past podcast, Ari Weinzweig, one of the founding partners of Zingerman’s Community Businesses discussed his ideas of writing a vision, when he said; The visioning Read More …

Lean Sales & Marketing (Creating your Vision)

I use to think that Vision and Mission Statements was just a consultant/academic type exercise. I did them but I have to honestly admit, it may have been more of an exercise than a real vision. In recent years, working with such a variety of companies, I have shifted my thinking. Without vision, you seldom Read More …

Shaping your Customers Vision

Are you looking at growth strategies from a customer’s viewpoint? This past week I have referred to the concept of Service Dominant Logic several times and how your value proposition can be viewed from the point of use. This type of thinking opens up a new context for innovation and growth. It moves you past Read More …