In summary, this week centered on the Lean Principles of Identifying Value and Mapping a Value Stream with preliminary steps of Creating Flow, Establishing Pull and Seeking Perfection. We did this through the introduction of Service Products, Business Model Canvas, Customer Journey Canvas and 5s.
You have identified three primary “Service Products” from a list of seven.
Several of these items, most often the Business Model Canvas, may have been difficult to complete. It is OK to guess or form a hypothesis. I only warn, that as you share these you may want to remove your “guesses” and leave others add their own thoughts. Alternatively, introduce your thoughts in a controlled brainstorming session.
My goal for the first week was to create at least one Trilogy Journey Map. I hoped to bring an outside-in perspective to the map, and in addition the Lean perspective of Standard Work. Why be concerned about Standard work in Service and Design?
First and foremost is whether we want to accept it or not, the majority of our time, our organization’s time is spent performing Standard Work. Secondly, our customers come to us because of standard work. It is our brand. I do not take these two statements lightly. If you want to make a difference in your services, spending time on managing and improving Standard Work is the single most important element of your business.
When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, the first thing, he did was, in essence: 5s the Standard Work. He Sorted, Straightened, Shined, Standardized and built a Sustainable group of products. To this day, the Apple advantage is in simplicity. You can continue to put all their products on a single table. Their strength is in enabling the use of their products.
You may have a mixture of Service Products:
- Service Products that are offered for sale.
- Service Products that are an integral part of supporting your product sales.
- Service Products that you provide free of charge.
- Service Products that are only utilized internally.
- Other: _________________________________
I would recommend completing the 1st week’s exercises for a service product in each of the categories. Even if you cannot complete all the exercises at this time, it may assist you in developing a new service product or bundling services later for a more complete product package.
Less Is More: How Great Companies Use Productivity serves as a fitting end to the first week of the program.
Take a Day off and return to the next page; Service.