LSD Service Close

In summary, this week centered on improving service and services. We did this through the eyes of Zappos, Zingerman’s and Disney. They demonstrated how the power of individual people and teamwork ultimately decides the success of your services. The thought that your “Customer Experience will mimic your Employee Experience” should be embedded in your mind. You found deeper meaning in the power of the Customer Journey Map and a better understanding of SD Logic and most specifically the Value in Use concept.

From your beginning list of seven “Service Products” that you narrowed down to three, you should have tried to complete the following for at least one of them, if not all three.

My goal for this set of lessons was to create at a Future State Journey Map. I hoped that you can see a few opportunities for improvement. In addition to see how PDCA can be applied from the influence of an outside – in perspective. Below is an outline on how using both critical (this week) and creative thinking (next week) benefits the problem solver. It also includes how to prevent the failures of most decision processes.

Design and Innovation takes place outside the four walls and Lean can be the methodology of choice. It drives both the Little i and the Big I. The first and foremost reason is that it allows for the 1st step of innovation, the little i. Lean is the primary driver for the little i – PDCA. As a result, it allows for that culture to spread and create the DNA for the BIG I. Without Lean and the little i, you may never start! Take a Day off and return to the next page; Design.