How Do You Listen to Your Customer?

Robin Lawton has been a long time favorite of mine. His book, Creating a Customer-Centered Culture: Leadership in Quality, Innovation, and Speed offers some valuable insights even though it was written 20-years ago. I still use it on a regular basis and find it valuable in assisting people to more service centered thinking. Download PDF Read More …

Stories of Lean and Agile

Claudio, aka Agile Sensei, is an independent Lean & Agile software development consultant, public speaker and dramatic storytelling journeyman.  Currently based in Dublin (Ireland), he offers vital transformational leadership and management experience to help individuals and organizations achieve phenomenal improvements. His current work on Lean Enterprise Architecture is set to enable tighter strategy alignment and Read More …

Leadership using Agile Methods

Steve Denning’s book, The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management: Reinventing the Workplace for the 21st Century (Jossey-Bass, 2010) was the topic of our discussion. Radical management is a fundamentally different approach to management, with seven inter-locking principles of continuous innovation: focusing the entire organization on delighting clients; working in self-organizing teams; operating in client-driven iterations; Read More …

Playing in the Customer’s Playground

I always use a terminology that you need to be playing in the customer’s playground. What I mean by that is that you or your organization need to be participating in the activities where your customers are participating. That point of use or where they are trying to get their job done. I asked Joe Read More …

The Customer Experience

B. Joseph Pine II is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and management advisor to Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial start-ups alike. His 2 latest books are Infinite Possibility and The Experience Economy, Updated Edition. The Experience Economy identifies a shift in the business world and many of the items discussed are just being realized today. Read More …

Kanban and Scrum: A Mixed Approach

Yuval Yeret is a senior Agile Consultant on the AgileSparks team, helping individuals and organization ease their path to Agility and Engineering excellence, focusing on Kanban, Scrum, Lean, and effective R&D in general. Yuval comes from the R&D management world. Starting 1994, Yuval held various positions in IT and R&D, leading up to VP R&D of Read More …