VSM EDCA Explore

The Define Phase is well documented in the Plan of PDCA, Define of DMAIC, Discovery of Appreciative Inquiry or even the Dream of Disney. In the Explore stage of EDCA what makes this phase different? Paraphrased from Nigel Cross’s book, Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design: Designers tend to use conjectures about solution concepts Read More …


The difference between the thought process embedded in EDCA (Service Design) and the other disciplines of Lean can be summed up in one word: Empathy! It is a major differentiator between the traditional process methodologies of Six Sigma, and I say this tongue–in-cheek, Lean. Many times when you review Design for Six Sigma, Lean Startup, Read More …

VSM SDCA Implement

If you want execution, keep it simple!. From a business stand point, there are many more success stories, that are founded on simple, focused ideas, than complex ones. Lean is a very simple concept, it is a learn be doing approach. If you can master this, you will be in service design. It can be Read More …

Seek Perfection

What’s more rewarding — eating a piece of candy, or the sense of anticipation you feel just before you eat it? As far as your brain is concerned, it’s probably the latter. Cynergey’s Kes Sampanthar explains what dopamine reveals about the neuroscience of motivation.     The latest Lean thoughts about seeking perfection have been Read More …

VSM Lean Establish Pull

After you create flow, the next Lean step is to establish pull. This is not any more difficult than the other Lean steps but may be the one most understood. Pull will not work unless you have created flow and our working to takt time (takt time sets the pace of production to match the Read More …

Lean Reading

  Classics that still may be the best. Out of the Crisis The Deming Management Method The Leader’s Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done The Team Handbook Third Edition Kaizen: The Key To Japan’s Competitive Success   Must Haves: The Lean Turnaround: How Business Leaders Use Lean Principles to Create Value and Transform Their Read More …