Chris Hefley on Kanban

Chris Hefley offers a perspective from not only a producer of a product for Kanban but as a software developer himself. A fresh perspective of not only Kanban but Lean in Software Development, this is not a consultant or an author of a how to book, but someone that is in the trenches living it Read More …

What is Visual Thinking?

Gwendolyn D. Galsworth, Ph.D., is an educator, implementer, and a researcher with more than 25 years in the field of Workplace Visuality. Considered by many a leading visual expert, Dr. Galsworth is the author of a number of books on organizational improvement and workplace visuality, including Visual Workplace/Visual Thinking, recipient of the Shingo Prize for Read More …

Leading with Lean Accounting

Jim Huntzinger has over twenty years’ experience developing Lean enterprises through system design and development, implementation, and guiding organizations both strategically and tactically through the transformation process. He authored the book, Lean Cost Management: Accounting for Lean by Establishing Flow , was a contributing author to Lean Accounting: Best Practices for Sustainable Integration. Related Podcast: Read More …

Managing Value Streams in Lean Accounting

Ross Maynard, has worked as a coach and consultant with a wide range of British and European organizations for over 20 years. He is the author of many articles on Lean accounting and business improvement and specializes in Lean accounting, Lean service, and process simulation and improvement. Download PDF Transcript of Podcast Note: This is Read More …

Theory of Constraints in Services

Dr. John Ricketts is a practitioner and innovator in the field of Theory of Constraints. His book, Reaching The Goal: How Managers Improve a Services Business Using Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints, was published in 2008 by IBM Press. Reviewers on soon gave it a five-star rating. And Dr. Eli Goldratt, founder of the Theory Read More …