Marketing Kanban Lessons

Kanban is a lean term and means visual card or sign. It is used to limit the amount of inventory tied up in work in process. Of course in lean excess inventories regarded as ways and so is the time spent in producing it. Kanban scheduling systems are among the simplest, effective and in expensive Read More …


If we find the constraint what is the first thing we want to do, fix it. That’s our natural tendency. Many of us have learned to go through the Theory of Constraint Five Focusing Steps: Identify the system’s constraint. Decide how to exploit the system’s constraint. Subordinate everything else to the above decisions. Elevate the Read More …

VSM Guiding Principles

  Do you have principles for creating a Value Stream in your marketing? I had Robert Martichenko of co-author Building a Lean Fulfillment Stream, on the podcast and he made a statement that a set of guiding principles must be adhered to or simple chaos may result. Following his lead and using the Lean Fulfillment Guiding Principles for Read More …


One of the best things about developing a Marketing Kanban is it allows you to create a separate cadence for each marketing segment. The old saying is Different Strokes for Different Folks. Why should marketing be any different? The Value Stream Marketing diagram symbolizes exactly how important a cadence is. I use a typical Scrum Read More …

Theory of Constraints

eBooks are added on a regular basis. Bringing New Thoughts to the Supply Chain Using TOC in Services Throughput Accounting – Systemizing your Approach to Management with Bill Dettmer – Uncertainty in Decision Making Introduction to ASR – Actively Synchronized Replenishment Implementing the TOC Supply Chain Solution TOC Handbook Integration of the Theory of Constraints Read More …

Theory of Constraints from The Goal to Now – eBook

Theory of Constraints Handbook authors John G. Schleier, Jr. and James F. Cox III were part of my recent podcasts  Holistic approach to the Theory of Constraints. and the TOC Thinking Process Discussion. We covered so much material during the interview that I split the discussion to 2 parts. This eBook covers both podcasts. Related Read More …