Marketing Katas

Marketing Katas have come about from my work as a Lean practitioner specializing in Service Design, Sales, and Marketing. During this time, I have developed a process of using Kata in my marketing as the basic way I become involved with clients. Unless you have developed a standard practice, marketing is not anything more that an experiment. Kata is a way of doing. A way of developing structured practice routines. We use Kata to develop our Marketing/Sales Experiments (campaigns seem like I am going to war), Digital Marketing Practices, and other marketing efforts. As marketing has become increasingly digital, having a structured routine before automation is imperative. Adhering to the USA Principle (Understand-Simplify-Automate), we standardize those routines to build repeatable processes.

The power of Kata differs than most Lean thinking. Most efforts with Lean in Sales and Marketing focuses on the use of the “Why” question; solving problems and offering solutions. Kata focuses on the “What” creating situational awareness. At the basic level (Why) and what I might call the commodity trap, we still need to solve the problem. More importantly, we need to understand our customers desired outcomes, the job that needs to be done.

At a higher level, the practice of the Marketing Kata allows us to create powerful outcome-based brands and discover markets for disruptive technology. It positions us to solve something else, an unmet need. This comes from a series of “What” questions that are more powerful than the 5 Why’s. Join us at the Lean Marketing Lab and learn how to extend your sales and marketing to include the practice of Kata.

A few things about me:

My work recently has been in SaaS discipline working with organizations in the Business Development area and onboarding external groups such as affiliate, re-sellers and developing reward programs. I have also managed and worked closely with sales and marketing teams and even been in that department for some. I have become highly proficient in building and implementing Business, Marketing, and Project Plans with an emphasis on simplicity and execution. Creating an experience in combining core business strengths into a brand strategy along with Lean Startup and Business Model Generation Techniques.

A few areas of interest:

  • Started a manufacturing company with 2 file cabinets and created a 5 million dollar company in 3-years, sold it in 5-years to my largest distributor.
  • Took over a 1.6 million dollar manufacturing company and left 6-years later when it was at 12 million and paid out 6 to 7-figure profits on an annual basis.
  • Worked for a SaaS company in Precision Ag that has grown 3-fold in the 18 months I have been associated with it in the capacity of Business Development.
  • Worked with IT Companies, E-commerce, and several other Cloud-based companies.
  • Developed and implemented workflow engagements for lead generation, support platforms (like Zen Desk) and onboarding user programs.
  • Worked with various Professional Services, including Information Technology, Microsoft Partners, Real Estate, Financial, Quality, Agriculture, Automotive, Medical, and others.