Referral Process Explained – Step 2 of 7

Step 2 = Your Ideal Referral Client

Service, Product, Retail, Construction, Professional services, Employee, and Volunteer … it doesn’t matter. A referral system should include 7 basic steps that helps you identify and succeed in ways you never imagined. The principles are outlined in a 7-step process that we will communicate this week in leading up to Referral Week. It is the basic understanding on how to apply the Referral Flood program to Your Business or Organization .

Step #2 – Identify your ideal referral client – In order to receive high quality referrals you must be able to quickly communicate the exact type of person or business that has the ability to make great referrals. That is not hard, is it. Anyone that breathes and you have met. If you convey that message I can assure you will get exactly what you ask for, and you better be careful. But if you can identify exactly what makes an ideal referral client there will be the synergy needed to make a referral.

What is different about a Referral Client:

  1. It may not be your best customer or your best vendor. It is the person that knows "your ideal client" best.
  2. It always helps if the company or person that refers you is famous. I am not talking sports hero or anything but the better known may establish great credibility for yourself.
  3. They need to have a built in reason to motivate you. It is still about what’s in it for me.
  4. Is there a way that you can motivate them that requires little effort on your part to fulfill.
  5. They need to have the ability to repeat the process. Just because they know 1 person that might buy is not reason enough to build a system around.
  6. A natural connection point to your organization. If you have to work to have a dialog, both of you will not be active enough to make it work.
  7. You need to be important to them. There has to be a reason that they have your best interest at heart.
  8. Use social media to make contacts and follow-ups. It is a different animal, but it is an important to distinguish.

Ok, simply stated Ideal would mean: A Star with a wealth of contacts that would be willing to give them to you freely. That is ideal.