Get Clients Now Answer Center: May 2009

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Belief Management: The Missing Ingredient – Article by Joan Friedlander

“Joan, I’m working so hard and I’m not getting anything done!” I have heard some version of this frustrated cry from many an entrepreneur. It’s a common complaint voiced by those of us who sought the freedom to have complete authority over our schedules, only to find ourselves unwittingly shackled by old ways of operating.

From Prospect to Client in Thirty Seconds – Article by C.J. Hayden

The process of converting a prospect to a client can seem like it takes forever. You meet a prospective client, follow up with him or her over time, and hopefully have a chance to make a sales presentation or schedule an initial consultation at no charge.

How do I know if a business idea is right for me? – Q&A by C.J. Hayden

Entrepreneurs are creative people, and frequently come up with new ways to do business. So many, in fact, that you need to choose wisely about which ones are worth your while to pursue. Making the right choice requires more than just determining profitability, although that’s a good place to start. You also need to make sure you choose lines of business that are right for the kind of person you are.

What You Need to Know to Get Clients Now! – Audio by C.J. Hayden

In this live interview hosted by Louise Crooks, C.J. shares dozens of marketing essentials for coaches and independent professionals, and answers audience questions about how to get clients. Learn what marketing mistakes to avoid, and how to overcome obstacles to success.

Get Clients Now Answer Center

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