Changethis Newsletter Issue 49

I am a big fan of Changethis and encourage you to take a look at the site. They publish a short PDF, a cross between a powerpoint and an e-book, that allows you you preview many popular books on today’s market. What is unique is many times it is just not an excerpt of the book but subject matter from the book that is interesting and expanded upon. This month their newsletter featured one book that I already read and another that entices me.

49.02 Gridlock Economy: The Tragedy of the Anticommons by Michael Heller "Private ownership usually creates wealth. But too much ownership has the opposite effect–it creates gridlock. When too many people own pieces of one thing, cooperation breaks down, wealth disappears… everybody loses. Gridlock is a free market paradox.

49.04 Uncovering Business Breakthroughs: Are you Tuned In or Tuned Out? by Craig Stull, Phil Myers, & David Meerman Scott "We’ve developed the Tuned In Process to allow companies to create success again and again. […] Anyone can use Tuned In to replicate the model for success. … With a Tuned In approach, your everyday activities can be transformed into those which create the kind of culture that builds market leaders.

Could the the Gridlock Economy relate to networking? How many times can one person get shared? Do I really need that service? You will understand my questions because of my recent blog post?