SEO Optimization, How important?

I just attended a seminar at the Atlanta Merchandise Mart were over 300 retailers attended. The seminar though on Website Marketing turned into a complete discussion about SEO and building links. Good links, bad links and so forth. I disagree. I think if you want to drive traffic to your website spend time building content. The better the content the more people will link to you the more customers will want to come to your website and on and on.

I read a while ago that something like 60% of the people that visit your website was looking for it in the first place. That number may be even higher. If 60% of the people on your website are already looking for you make sure that you design your website based on taking care of them. I would think the number that may be more important is the number pages visited and the time spent on your website versus the number of visits.

Look at the content here..