It’s minus 5 degrees in Fort Wayne

I started my computer today and intended to start blogging right away. Uck, it was minus 1 degree. Anyway, I fixed a pot of coffee and put on my Detroit Tiger baseball cap, part of my blogging attire and UCK, it is minus 5 degrees. What sensible person is going to work in this weather?

Well the bottom line is we do work. But why do we make it difficult! There are problems enough created by our outside environment why add to them. I read a book that never really became mainstreamed by Mahan Khalsa. “Let’s Get Real or Let’s not Play that went right to the juggler. It is what I would call the “Discovery” stage with a client. Let’s find out now if we are a match and if not lets move on. The book was promoted as a tool to help clients succeed but the message I received from it was spend time on discovery, making sure that you and your company our a good match with your client. Dissimilar cultures rarely succeed.

What happens when you find yourself in a dissimilar culture. The work is difficult, the client is not happy, you are not happy and it becomes well “work.” Is that what we are looking for?

Why is it -5 where I am at?

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