New Links, Getting Google to index them

The Internet is a strange animal or maybe it is just STRANGE TO ME. But trying to make sense out of this, I found a couple important domains that fit into my marketing plans and purchased them. Now, what do links do for me! I am not quite sure but I do think when you type a search and you actually have a website, lets say or maybe good things might happen.

I even recently purchased Which being an Authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach and a consultant for The One Page Business Plan makes sense for me. But does it everyone. Not at all.

What you might do:

  1. Find your target market
  2. Differentiate
  3. Buy a couple of domains pertaining to 1 and 2.
  4. Go to Go Daddy, their only $10.
  5. Redirect them to the most similar page of your website.
  6. Add some content on that page, to resemble the domains you purchased.
  7. Add the links in a blog or newsletter to get Google to index them?

Simple Marketing Idea?