Lean Marketing Assessment

Marketing should be effective, efficient, and innovating, while focusing on understanding the customer’s needs. If we keep these thoughts in mind, we will only produce materials of value to a customer and only give the material to the customer when he needs it versus a constant barrage of information. The lean marketing assessment will provide a baseline upon which you can improve and most importantly provide a reference on what to do.

Many companies are now critically evaluating their processes to determine their marketing effectiveness in bringing their message to their customers. Marketing techniques of yesterday are being replaced by more efficient methods of engaging their customers  and as a result greatly minimizing costs.

Lean manufacturing is a whole-systems approach that creates a culture in which everyone in the organization continuously improves processes and production. It is a system focused on and driven by customers, both internal and external.

Now ask yourself this question , Is your marketing giving you a sustainable advantage over your competition?

A Lean Marketing Assessment is the first place to start. Join us for an online workshop this Wednesday at 11 a.m.