Time can’t be managed, it just is

I hope most of you already are getting the Duct Tape Marketing Blog but just in case here is John’s latest post. I highly recommend reading this book. I listened to it when it first came out, bout the book and than actually had the GTD system diagram as my computer screen background for several years. One of my top books that I have ever read.

David Allen, author of the wildly popular book Getting Things Done, and the almost cult-like GTD system, is my guest for a recent episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast.

I think David Allen is pretty brilliant, although you would probably never get him to admit it – his brilliance comes, in my opinion, from his consistent message that time can’t be managed, it just is. Everyone tries to do this and that to time manage when GTD suggests all that you can do is decide what’s important and make it easy to do that, without having the stress of trying to keep it all in your head.

The GTD system has taken form in all manner of software, planning tools and templates, but the beauty of it is that it’s so simple all you really need is a pen, paper and some folders.

    You can find out more by checking out these fan entries too

  • 43Folders
  • Hacking a GTD Moleskin
  • GTD Resource list
  • GTD software
  • Monkey GTD
  • GTD software from Listable
  • GTD fan wiki
  • Pockemod paper organizer
  • GTD Mastery checklist