Top ten PR tips for small businesses

Technorati Tags: Marketing,PR Releases,David Scott

Last week I participated on a Duct Tape Coaches training call and we had a surprise guest: David R. Scott, author of the popular “The New Rules of PR”, a must book for anyone doing marketing these days. He gave us 10 great tips. I was waiting till this weekend to re-listen to the call and write them down, but David blogged about it first. Maybe the core message should be, Don’t wait! The shorten version is below:

  1. The best way to get noticed: Publish great content online.
  2. Talk about how you solve problems for your customers.
  3. Be enthusiastic and have fun.
  4. Don’t spam the media with your press releases.
  5. Use press releases to reach buyers directly.
  6. Comment on blogs, forums and chat rooms
  7. Read popular books in your market, write a reviews.
  8. Shoot a short video and put it up onto YouTube
  9. Create content that search engines will reward
  10. Don’t be egotistical. Nobody cares about you.
  11. This is syndicated from Web Ink Now, and written by David Meerman Scott.