5S – A systematic Lean approach to organizing

A 5S overview:

  1. Sort – Separate the task
  2. Simplify –  Make the process easy
  3. Sweep – Remove unnecessary items
  4. Standardize – Document the process
  5. Sustain – Maintain the changes


As you can see, practically any part of your organization can probably use a little 5’s. When starting with Lean, the 5S approach is usually one of the first processes instituted. Why? Typically it is something that can be handled internally and many times with the present staff. How hard can it be to sort, simplify, sweep, standardize and sustain? Think again, as Einstein once said: Most problems cannot be solved by the minds that created them. I believe some sort of training must take place or a consultant hired to start carry out these tasks.

In “lean” times , don’t look at cutting your marketing budget, but look at making you marketing budget more effective. You have an obligation to your organization to hold all marketing accountable.

Don’t know where to start? Try choosing something you do not think is working and just stop doing it. But pay attention and closely observe the results of that change. And, of course, only stop one thing. If you stop a multiple things at once, you may never know what was working and what was not.

But start your house cleaning at once! 5 more post coming soon.