6 Ways To Get More Involved In The Marketing Community


The only way you’re really going to grow your business, get your next big promotion or land that perfect marketing job is by taking an active role in growing your marketing community.

Content taken from Six Pixels of Separation by Mitch Joel

Six Ways To Get More Involved In Your Marketing Community:

  1. Volunteer your time.
  2. Become a paid member.
  3. Go to events. .
  4. Plug into the community.
  5. Create content for a group.
  6. Become a leader.

Social Media and Web 2.0 have made getting involved in your marketing community one of the easiest things you can do. There really is no excuse.

How has your involvement in the marketing community changed your career? What can you add to this list?

Tags: blog google news alerts industry association jeffrey gitomer marketing marketing association marketing blog marketing committee marketing community six points of separation social media web 20