My podcast with Dr. Reidenbach was about achieving Best in Market Status. He has outlined this strategy in the book Best in Market where he details a process for assessing how organizations targeted product/markets define value and how this information can be delivered to key operational and strategic areas of their business. The Best in Market eBook was written in response to what Dr. Eric Reidenbach has experienced in creating and measuring value, the best leading indicator of market share growth. The book is aimed at Quality personnel including Lean and Six Sigma practitioners as well as Marketing professionals. Dr. Reidenbach is the author of Best in Market and over 20 books on marketing and market research including Six Sigma Marketing: From Cutting Costs to Growing Market Share
and Listening to the Voice of the Market: How to Increase Market Share and Satisfy Current Customers
(Amazon Links).
Dr. Eric Reidenbach is the Director of the Six Sigma Marketing Institute the leading organizations and authority of Six Sigma Marketing. The Six Sigma Marketing Institute is dedicated to the advancement and deployment of Six Sigma Marketing. A new program has just been released 5Cs of Driving Market Share by Six Sigma Marketing Institute and can be found at The Five Cs of Driving Market Share serves as the template for organizations needing to change from a customer satisfaction focus to a customer value focus. It has been deployed in a number of Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies and has produced positive market share growth (Disclaimer: I worked with Dr. Reidenbach in developing this program).
Six Sigma Marketing is a fact-based, disciplined approach for growing market share in targeted product/markets by providing superior value. At the heart of SSM is a modified DMAIC process that provides the architecture for growing top line revenues and market share. Dr. Reidenbach has developed a number of unique approaches for measuring and managing value, the best leading indicator of market share growth.
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