Can anyone tell a story?

The answer is yes and to get your point across in today’s world you better learn how. The next workforce generation have been trained with less tables and list and more pictures and graphs. Just review today’s textbooks to confirm this. We are appealing to the left side of the brain more.
As a result, stories are not only useful but I believe a necessity in today’s world. I believe an important trait you need to develop is the ability to practice or rehearse. When you hear a good story, remember the beginning and the end, you can pretty much ramble in the middle and then repeat the story to someone as you can. Polish and try it again. As you begin to personalize it more and more, you eventually have a pretty good story to use. Look on my website for a couple of mindmaps on this subject.

Business Tip: Communicate your Company Story effectively allows your prospects to easily see how your firm is different from everyone else in the industry and comparisons go out the door.