But whenever possible, please bring me a brilliant specialist.

Seth’s blog yesterday was about whether you want to be a generalist or a specialist. How would you like to be considered? The next time someone ask: “Who is your customer?” Before you answer anyone, THINK…whenever possible, please bring me a brilliant specialist. Technorati Tags: Seth Godin,Differntiate and Dominate,Rainmakers Seth’s Blog: We specialize in everything

Womens Enterprise

Come join me and at the Fort Wayne Womens Enterprise Business 901 Thursday, May 29Duct Tape Marketing… 6:00 – 8:00pm“Create the Ultimate Marketing System” thru 7 steps   Location: Fort Wayne WOMEN’S BUREAU, 3521 Lake Ave., Fort Wayne.“Presented by: Joe Dager, Duct Tape Marketing Authorized Coach”Simple, Effective and Affordable Marketing!

What Makes U Unique?

We did this the other day in a Rainmaker network meeting: Have groups play telephone with 1 or 2 of each others 30 sec. elevator speech. It is interesting to see how the information is remembered. Call them back together tell them the importance as John Jantsch puts it describing your business in “One Word”. Read More …

6 Stupidly Simple Steps to Saving Billions of Gallons of Gas | EcoGeek

This may not be the main thrust of my blog, but I just had to publish it! Americans weigh about 24 more pounds per person than we did in the 1970s. That weight, when we’re driving, has to be moved around with our cars. Multiplied over the three trillion miles driven in America each year, suddenly Read More …

Blogging for Industry

On the Bulldog Reporter PR Management Roundtable webinar that BNT hosted last week on business blogging, Tim Bray of Sun Microsystems summed up the case for business blogging this way: “If you’re not participating, you’re putting your company at risk.” Different ways to use a Blog? Allows you to communicate with your customers? You can Read More …