What do you know about your competitor?

Do you know your competition? How well? Remember, the old adage be close to your friends but keep your enemies closer. But my main point to this is, do your homework. Lack of preparation is for amateurs. Ask your self these questions: Identify your major competition on both a regional and North American basis. Explain Read More …

Executive Summary is Not

Don’t confuse the The One Page Business Plan® with an executive summary. It is the “plan.” Most executive summaries are simple introductions that can practically be used year after year. A little update here, an adjustment in numbers and maybe better quality paper if you had a good year. In fact, when I have seen Read More …

Incorporation Processing Free for a Day

This content from: Duct Tape Marketing Incorporation Processing Free for a Day MyCorporation, an Intuit company, takes a lot of the headache and hassle out of legal requirements of forming a corporation. I’ve used the service over the years to form, admittedly, pretty simple corporations, but it is a great tool and can save you Read More …

Who has been thru tough times to lead?

In the last few weeks I’ve been just blasted with e-mails, blog posts and other types of advertising. The headlines have been saying things like: 10 ideas for marketing in a tight economy. Recession proof your business. How to successfully market, your small business in tough times Recession-Buster That was an afternoon check of my Read More …

Why is planning difficult?

Planning is difficult, it goes against are instincts. If it was easy, we would all do it well. Although planning is critical to your success, it is often replaced with: Intuition or “gut feeling. = you have always been taught to go with your gut feeling. Lack of know-how =  difficult to know how to Read More …