Can you build your business on 30% Market Share?

I am not what you call a political junkie but I do watch the primaries and have been somewhat taken back on how a winner is determined. It seems that since Edwards has only garnered 30% of the vote, he is seriously in trouble. The other “leaders” have averaged around 33%. They are the winners? Read More …

Steroid vs. a plan?

In the last year some of the top athletes in their sport were Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, Chris Benoit, Roger Clemens, Shawne Merriman, Rodney Harrison, etc. The 1990’s saw baseball popularity skyrocket with Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds chasing the home run records. The list can go on and on. It’s all old news Read More …

What is growth?

“What is Growth?You must grow as a company to be successful, right? I have always said that and I think it has many times been mis-interpreted. Does growth mean getting bigger or even just increasing sales? Not according to me. My idea of business growth is much like maturing as an individual. Let me explain:It’s Read More …

Staples Survey

January 05Staples SurveyIt does say that it is not a bed of roses for a small business owner. Also, I read an interesting statistic the other day: There is more people starting a business in the U.S. than are getting married. Is marriage this tough? Thursday, Jan. 3 2008 Staples Small-Business Survey Reveals People are Read More …

Tips to Starting a Cost Reduction Plan

Putting a cost reduction strategy is always beneficial but many times difficult to start. I have listed a few steps below just to get the juices flowing and an entry into cost reduction. Put them to use and brainstorm a few more. But the most important tip I can leave behind is one the you Read More …

The Value of One Page

Name the most famous documents! Most of U.S. origins will name the Declaration of Independence or the Gettysburg Address. Most Englishman would name the Magna Carter. Imagine, with one piece of paper people have changed the world! Business today competes on clarity and there is not anything that drives execution more than clarity. And without Read More …