Experimentation Growth Flywheel

Are you looking at growth through the right lenses? Or are you still operating in the Doom Loop? Is your disciplined actions focused on experimentation? Jim Collins has been talking about the Flywheel Effect for many years and most of us (should) know the intricacies behind the concept. Reviewing the recent book Experimentation Works, https://amzn.to/2EZ39ik, Read More …

Do You Highlight Pockets of Opportunities? Evidence Driven?

There is no linear sales and marketing approach, no matter what the current Marketing Funnel experts says. There is not anything new in these processes except for the tools being used. Elmo St. Lewis developed the funnel in 1898, it is still the same basic philosophy. Today’s marketing is about being there. Being in the Read More …

Need a Marketing Funnel Expert

People seldom start with a simple system. They start with a complex system and try to work back from it tweaking and modifying. There are better ways. I usually respond with Gall’s Law: “A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from Read More …

Giving Your Product a Voice

Can you help bring your product/service alive by giving it a voice? From the book The Objects of Experience by Wood & Latham, https://amzn.to/2HczhNC Name the object. Give it an actual name, as if you were naming a pet. Decide on its personality. Is it mean, nice, sneaky, smart, young, old, funny What kinds of Read More …