An Evidence-Based Culture and Climate Assessment for Schools

Assessment is the First Step in Creating and Sustaining a High-Performance Culture and Climate (HPCC) The HPCC Assessment process is a systematic way of collecting, analyzing and presenting data for all school stakeholders. The purpose of the assessment plan is to ensure that the way that work is being done with schools is contributing to Read More …

Do You Take Your Brand Serious Enough?

In your brand’s most powerful moment, does it have a sense of awe about that it is the only choice and all other things are completely ignored? This seldom happens without some sense of extremism that has been refined over time and is well-defined even at a distance. If we do that, our brand will Read More …

This Should Trouble Us

Why do we continue to get undesirable outcomes? Have you ever looked at your sales and marketing from a system perspective? To most this simple diagram looks complex. However, it is high-level and can be broken down into numerous subsets. You may notice the typical Google Acquisition block at its core which is very dynamic Read More …

Knowledge And The Funnel of Opportunity

The Funnel of Opportunity is my interpretation of successful marketing practices today. It is an idea about understanding spaces and eventually shaping them through a knowledge building process. Clusters and their edges attach as knowledge and experiences become relevant. This relevancy can be acquired through people, platforms, process or product/service. LinkedIn Articles Knowledge Vee: Read More …

Most Opportunities Are Not Created They Are Discovered.

The traditional means of marketing still reside within most organizations. They still hire people based on the look and feel of inbound marketing and the “deliverables.”  There is always an opportunity. However, there is not a step by step method. Innovators, Start-Ups, and even Scaling Businesses look for that formula and try to think of Read More …

Which Direction Does Your Marketing Flow?

Which Way Should It Flow? Most educators are familiar with Bloom’s Taxonomy and the hierarchy of the different type of thinking. They also familiar with the adaption by Anderson and the determination that creating new knowledge is the most demanding part of the cognitive process. Anderson did later work that I will discuss in my next post. It Read More …